Image credit: Gianfranco Colombo

The Cleopatra Butterfly (Gonepteryx cleopatra) is a species of butterfly belonging to the Pieridae family, which is commonly known as the whites and yellows. It is distributed across Southern Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia.

The Cleopatra Butterfly is renowned for its vibrant yellow wings, with a striking orange patch on the upper side of the forewings. This species has the unique ability to adjust its coloration and appearance based on its surroundings and environmental conditions. It is predominantly found in sunny and warm habitats such as meadows, gardens, and open woodlands.

Image credit: Gianfranco Colombo

The Cleopatra Butterfly feeds on various flowering plants, especially those from the legume family, including clover and alfalfa. Like many other butterfly species, the Cleopatra Butterfly undergoes a complete metamorphic life cycle, consisting of four stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult butterfly.

Image credit: Pescalune Photo

The Cleopatra Butterfly holds cultural importance as well, with its name derived from the famed ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Butterflies, in general, have been symbols of transformation, beauty, and freedom in various cultures throughout history.

Text credit: Earth Unreal

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